Hello Everyone,
Don’t Let the forecast worry you!!!  Just bring a sweater….The winds that are forecast today and tomorrow are all from the North and West…..These winds do not generate large waves.  The 3 mile buoy at this moment is reading about 2 feet.  These winds blow from the beach or down over the reefs.  We operate in protected areas from these.  The ride will be good all weekend with waves less than 3 feet.

Today the winds will be North 15-20 subsiding to 10-15.  The waves will be about 2 feet and the ride will be good. Tonight the winds will be North 10-15 and the ride will be good.


Saturday the winds will be from the West at 10kts. This will be a beautiful day fro sailing.  Waves will be less than 2 feet and the ride will be great! Saturday night the winds will be from the West at 15-20. Again the waves will be less than 2 feet as the wind will be off the beach.


Sunday winds will again be from the West at 10-15 for a beautiful day.  Sunday night the winds will be from the Southwest at 5-10 the ride will be great with waves 1-2 feet.

Great weekend to come sail with us!!
Capt Tim