Hello Everyone,

This weekend will be a great weekend for sailing on the Victory 1.  The winds will be from the Northwest and the South all weekend. The waves at this moment are 1 ft at the 3 mile buoy. The ride will be very good all weekend.  Great spring weekend to go for a Victory Cruise!! 

To continue reading This Weeks’s Weather Update Click “Read More”

Saturday the winds will be 5-10kts from the Northwest. The waves will be 1-2 feet and the ride will be very good.  Saturday night the winds will be South at 5-10. The waves will be 1-2 feet and the ride will be smooth with very little motion.
Sunday the winds will be East at 5-10kts. The waves will be 1-2 foot and the ride will be very good.  Sunday night more of the same with winds 5-10 from the South and waves  near 1ft. The ride will be very good.
Great weekend to come sail with us!
Capt Tim


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