Victory Casino Cruises Dress Code

Victory Casino Cruises reserves the right to exclude visitors to their facilities who wear clothing that could create a distraction. This policy is in effect at the main terminal and aboard the Victory 1.

Victory Casino Cruises Guest Appearance Guidelines

Examples of unacceptable attire includes:

  • Clothing displaying offensive messages/language
  • Adult costumes or clothing that can be viewed as a costume
  • Clothing made with offensive material, (ie transparent)
  • Clothing that is excessively torn
  • Clothing which exposes inappropriate portions of the body such as string bikini tops, G-strings, bikini bottoms, etc
  • Masks or face make-up concealing identity
  • Props that may be viewed as a weapon (ie: toy gun or knife)
  • All Victory Casino Cruises guests are required to wear shirts and shoes at all times
  • Swimsuit tops are allowed when worn with other appropriate clothing
  • Depending on the venue and event, variations may be acceptable
  • Management reserves the rights to refuse service

Prohibited Items

The following are not allowed to be brought onto the Victory Casino Cruises property:

  • Items with wheels, such as wagons, coolers or backpacks
  • All illegal drugs
  • Marijuana*
  • Fishing rods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Food or drinks (unless required for medical reasons)
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Folding chairs
  • Containers of any kind (Plastic, Glass, Etc.)
  • Pets (unless they are service animals)
  • Laptops, two-way radios or other prohibited electronic devices
  • Third trimester pregnancy


* Victory Casino Cruises recognizes that some state and local governments in the U.S. might allow marijuana use. However, Victory Casino Cruises is required by U.S. federal law, which strictly prohibits possession and use of recreational/medicinal marijuana and other illegal controlled substances.


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